A black and white photo of a woman sitting a chair looking back at a vision board.

Ep 39: Creating a Vision Board that Aligns with Your Subconscious Mind

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In today’s episode, I am sharing my top tips for creating a vision board that speaks directly to your subconscious mind.

You don’t go after your goals with your logical (thinking/conscious mind). In fact, your logical mind is often considered the goal setter. The subconscious mind however is what’s known as the goal-getter.

Creating a vision board that aligns with your subconscious mind is helping you program that “goal-getter” with a clear picture of exactly what you are trying to create in your life and business for the new year.

Tune in to hear the best tips for creating an epic vision board that helps you reach every single goal you set. 

Vision Board Top Tips- Full Transcript

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Loren Runion 0:05
You’re listening to the Align and expand podcast. Join your host, Loren Runion, in conversations that will inspire you to intentionally create a life you love. Hello, hello, welcome to the line and expand podcast. I’m your host Loren Runion. And I am very excited to have you here, clicking away here, sorry, as I first started trying to get up my notes. So today, if you’re listening, like through, like Spotify or iTunes, you are not seeing me. But this is my first time that I am actually recording video at the same time that I’m talking so I can throw this up on YouTube. So if you’re watching on YouTube, welcome, this is the first time I’m doing this. And I’m excited. And today we’re going to be talking about my top tips to making a vision board that actually works because it’s that time of year everyone’s doing the vision board. And if you don’t know what a vision board is, if you don’t have one yet, you should probably do it. And also let’s talk about what it is. So I don’t have a technical definition. But a vision board is basically like pictures of what you want to create in your life in 2022, or whatever your it’s going to be when you’re listening to this podcast episode. And you can create a like a hard, like physical vision board. You know, like when you were a teenager, if you’re a girl, you probably did this like like a team room, or you made a collage of all these photos. And that’s basically what it is. And it’s you choose photos for what you are wanting to create in 2022, or the year ahead. And most of the time, people are doing that at the beginning of the year. And you can do it on a board, you can do it in Pinterest, you can do it on Canva and save it as the background to your phone and your computer. I do have some tips on that later. So I want to talk about it. I want to talk about my tips on on why a vision board works and what it is that you need to do to make it the most powerful vision board you have made. Yet making a goal with a vision board doesn’t help you reach your goal. Like that’s not what helps you reach the goal. What helps you reach the goal is the significance of like what you’re actually doing. So your subconscious mind thinks or processes things in pictures, and symbols. And so when you are taking the time to make this beautiful board, and you put the pictures however you’re doing it I this year, I did a physical board. And I’m going to recommend that you do that later. But when you take the time to do that, and you think about what pictures you’re doing, you’re really communicating to your subconscious mind, like what it is that you’re wanting to create. But it’s giving your subconscious mind a picture of what it is that you’re trying to create. And that is powerful is the same reason visualizations work, you are giving your your subconscious mind something for it to think about and have as what you’re trying to create. And as we will get into in just a minute. Your subconscious mind is what helps you create the ability to reach these goals that you are trying to reach. My first tip, when you are picking a goal for your vision board, you need to make sure that it is a goal that makes sense. And so here’s the thing, your logical mind is the conscious mind the one that you’re aware of like really okay, that’s a dish that’s your conscious mind. The subconscious mind is deeper, you’re not you can’t just like access that or most people can’t just access their subconscious mind. They’re very deep, and it just comes out through our conscious mind. You need to think of your I’ve heard of this as the logical mind is the goal setter, which is your conscious mind. And the subconscious mind is the goal getter. So you’re thinking about all the goals that you’re trying to create. You’re thinking about all these things that you’re trying to create in your life. That’s your logical conscious mind. What’s going to actually help you get there isn’t your conscious mind because your conscious mind is that what actually holds you back you your thinking mind that’s what talks you out of doing the shit that you want to do every year when you start thinking, Oh, I can’t show up on camera bla bla, bla bla, those thoughts are coming from deeper rooted, but it’s the logical mind that’s making you think you can’t do those things. So what helps you reach your goals is the subconscious mind. And it’s important to make a vision board that speaks to the subconscious mind. So let’s dive in to some things that are really important for you to know your subconscious mind has these things like within the NLP community, it’s they your subconscious mind has prime directives and I there’s like 20 Something I don’t know the exact number. But you want to make sure that it aligns with these prime directives of the subconscious mind. So the subconscious mind likes things that are specific. And one of the mistakes that I made on my very first vision board is that I made it really symbolic. Like I think I had a hard time finding pictures that really represented what I wanted to create. And so instead of like having a number of when I wanted to make for the year I just had a picture of a bunch of money underwater. It was this really weird scene. Everything was really symbolic and so I mean I can I still on the someplace

Loren Runion 5:00
every time I go to look, I’m like, I really need to take that vision board down. I don’t even know what they meant. Like I just say look at it. I’m like I have not sure what that’s supposed to be. That is not helpful. That is not creating a vision board that aligns with your subconscious mind. That is, that is not a vision board that is going to create or help you create your dream life and 2022 You want to make sure that it’s not too symbolic. May I My best advice is for you to make sure that you pick a picture, or a shape or a word or whatever it is. 100% Completely resonates with your brain that when you look at it, you’re like, Ah, yes, that’s exactly what I want. There’s no thinking that has to be done to process like, what did that mean? What does that supposed to symbolize? When I look at my vision board that I created for 2022 It’s so powerful and clear to me, some of the stuff is already happening. And what I like to do is like I have it hanging someplace that I walk by 1 trillion times a day, I don’t have to think so because everything is so clear, I can walk by and be like, Oh, that’s my dream bathroom. That’s my dream bedroom. That’s what I’m creating this year. So make sure that the pictures are not vague. Make sure that you don’t have to do anything about it. You know what it is like don’t make it some crazy symbolic thing. It’s that simple. The second thing that I encourage you to do so that you are reprogramming reprogramming your subconscious mind, every time that you look at this board is that pick a and choose pictures that create and connect to a feeling a good feeling of feeling that you’re wanting to have it’s an if it’s a feeling of confidence, a feeling of abundance, if it’s a feeling of luxury, whatever it is that you’re trying to create in 2022. When you pick your pictures, make sure that they evoke that emotional feeling. Because when you have strong emotions, your subconscious mind is actually programmed faster. This is why like when you are thinking about, you know, we have slicked six, over 6000 thoughts a day, I’ve heard so many different things about what the actual number is, but if in confident in saying it’s over 6000 thoughts a day, if all of those thoughts created your reality, then we’d be screwed, because like one second, we’d be on a beach someplace. And the next second, we’d be like crying in a corner. Because we’re having a deck. That’s not how it works. Things are programmed over time with repetition, and when there’s strong emotion involved. So make sure that when you pick your pictures, they just instantly take you there, you’re instantly in that feeling of whatever it is, whatever it is you’re trying to create. So for instance, I have a picture of my like soon to be new office. And I have it’s got a certain vibe. And every time I look at it, I feel like it’s clean, and I feel like I can work and I feel like it’s gonna just really bring like the energy that I’m trying to bring to my work in 2022. So think about that, as you are choosing your pictures. I said this before, but that that’s what I do. But make sure you put this someplace that you see it all the time. Don’t hang it like I don’t know in a room you don’t go in don’t I recommend if you don’t make a board, like we were cutting out pictures and pasting it someplace I actually have like this cork board that I used, print out your vision board. So if you make it on your computer, it printed out and put it a billion places put it like the very last thing you see at night before you go to bed, put it the very first thing you see in the morning when you wake up or go into the bathroom, put it someplace that you see over and over and over again. And one of the things that I like to do every time I go and I see it is I like to say an affirmation every time I like walk by I get a quick glance at that picture. And whatever that picture is, if it’s you know, my money goal for the year, you know, I make I have a really crazy big money goal this year. But I make 30,000 a month 30k months I make 30k months like I say, a an affirmation that aligns with what I’m trying to create based off of whatever picture got my attention as I’m walking by so that I creating extra repetition. Along with seeing the picture and programming my subconscious mind. I also I would also like to encourage you to meditate on this board in the morning or night.

Loren Runion 9:12
I mean, I don’t mean meditate, sit there lights and candles spend like a bazillion years staring at your board. But at least when one time a day when you walk by. Spend some time looking at it, make it your friend be like this space that you go to and it makes you instantly tap into these feelings that you’re trying to create. Because remember, we created pictures that really evoked feelings. One of the things that you need to remember is that sometimes people will chase a feeling for their goal. Happiness is my goal for 2022 happiness or freedom or, I don’t know, calm serenity, all these things. Those are feelings and you can have those feelings anytime there’s no reason or need for you to put that as a goal for 2022 Because you can have that right this very second. If you carefully choose your pictures for your vision board, you can have those feelings every time you look at your vision board. So when you sit there and you take a moment, I mean, it doesn’t have to be more than a minute a day, take a second, to look at your vision board, tap into those feelings and meditate on them. Tune in to that and really anchor it into your subconscious mind, I feel like I’m talking really fast, because I am trying to get this done before the baby wakes up from his nap. And I wanted to get this out for you guys, because it’s already like second week of January, by the time this will go how to use this with your manifestation process. So you can totally use your vision board with your manifestation process. And I would encourage you to do a few things that would really bring in or really a good partnership with your manifestation and your vision board. You can create a like ritual or in your journal or whatever it is where you write down everything that you have put onto your vision board and the present tense. And you can say thank you for whatever’s on your vision board. Thank you, for my 50 clients that I worked with this year, thank you for like one of my goals for this year for the podcast is to get to 50,000 downloads, I need your help for that. Need to share. Anyway, write that down on a piece of paper in your journal, wherever you want to keep it. Thank you for my 50,000 downloads, write it in the present tense. And then you can say thank you it is done. However you like to word, your manifestation wording if you’re brand new to it, I do two things I write down, I thank you for my 50,000 downloads, it is done, you know or thank you for 50,000 downloads or better or whatever works for the highest good of all, that’s you can word those a couple of different ways. The other thing is, is that you want to be taking action. So to make this a manifestation process, you need to be taking action that aligns with your vision board. And this has actually been really fun for me because it’s not something I did last time I didn’t didn’t correlate the two, which is silly to think. But now when I do something for my business, when I make a purchase, I think does this align with my vision board? Does this align with what I’m trying to create in 2022. When you go to take action every day in your business, whether it’s big or small, the tiniest step possible in your business, when you’re taking action, whatever you got to do to keep moving forward, you can be sure that aligns with your vision board by taking a look at that vision board and then seeing what it is you can do that day that moves you one step forward. I mean it seriously friends, it doesn’t have to be freakin hard. Because, you know, on my vision board is to have I said this earlier at my podcast, office slash room, whatever I’m doing, and it’s, it’s slowly it’s already started happening. It’s you know, it’s January 5, and it’s already started happening, which is super cool. And today, I painted like the cabinets, that’s the one step closer to making the freaking thing happen, doesn’t have to be big. So make sure you’re taking action that aligns with the vision board. And then you need to start embodiment work. I say this all the time. embodiment is like the key because you’re starting with the being level, you’re starting at the identity level and being the person that has these things before you actually have them because that is what magnetizes everything into your life. That is what is going to create what you want, because you start stepping into the version of you that has those things. Okay, the version of me who has 50,000 downloads every podcast, what does she do every single day? How does she promote her podcast? How does she interact with her audience? How does she? What kind of how many emails does she send out? What is she doing to make more than 50,000 Like, those are the things you start asking yourself so that you can start being that version, it’s not about like, going back to the example of my office. It’s not about like me going and spending like three zillion dollars to make my office happen in one, one month, I don’t have the money, like to keep just like making the office perfect and be done in one week for me to be in, I’m slowly doing it. You know, I’m working on it, it’s going to be there eventually. And so just embodying the first person that already has it. So it’s like, I’m not going to pay for everything all at once. But right now I can afford, you know, the super cute picture that I’m going to put whatever it is that you can do that helps you embody the version of you that has whatever it is that’s on your vision board. And then, you know, the very last thing that I want to leave you with as you’re thinking about your vision board is that you have to be grateful for what you have, and gratefulness creates more opportunities for you to be grateful. And when you’re busy wishing that you had more, it just creates more opportunities for you to want more and to not feel satisfied. And so you want to not be in a place Have yearning, you want to be thankful for what you have and focus on the end result, like you already have it. So you want to feel like you already have these things. And so when I say focus on the end result, that means what that means to me is that you aren’t sitting here today freaking out about how you’re going to make it to 50,000 outlines. For me, I’m not sitting here today thinking about how I’m going to do, I just simply think about him focus on, I’m going to have 50,000 downloads. That’s what I mean by focusing on the end, because that’s what aligns you with it when you are focusing on all these other things are freaking out about all the in between that you don’t even know what’s going to happen in six months. That puts you in a place that doesn’t energetically aligned with creating what you want and to your 2022 goals and making your vision board happen. So I hope that this was a quick episode that helped you have a couple of tips that really make your subconscious. Really make your vision board align with your subconscious mind. So that you are really working with the subconscious mind because it’s the goal getter. And you’re going to just start implanting these seeds and they’re going to grow and they’re going to be so fruitful this year and I know you’re going to do it. If you have questions. Don’t forget to DM me on Instagram at Loren Runion or you can always send me an email that’s at Hello, at Loren Runion calm. And if you liked this episode, share it, I would love for you to tag me in on your stories. And again, if you’ve never left a review of the podcast, I would be so appreciative if you left a review of the podcast. Give it five stars, give it a thumbs up depending on what you’re listening to this on. And I hope you have a fantastic day.

Loren Runion 16:48
Thank you so much for listening to another episode of The Align and expand podcast. If you’re an iTunes listener and you loved this episode, please leave a review. And if you leave a review, send me a screenshot and then I will be sending you a special exclusive meditation made only for my listeners who are so kind enough to take time out of their day to leave a review of the podcast.


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