Loren Runion doing face yoga in a mirror.

6 Facial Exercises that Work for a Double Chin

A woman doing face yoga in a mirror.

In the quest for timeless beauty, our faces play an undeniable role in defining our appearance. Among the concerns that often plague individuals is the presence of a double chin.

This phenomenon, often attributed to factors like weight gain, aging, and genetics, has led people to explore a range of solutions. While surgical interventions and invasive procedures promise instant outcomes, a natural and holistic approach has been gaining traction: facial exercises and face yoga.

As a certified Face Yoga Instructor, I hear this complaint a lot. Today I will be sharing with you # face yoga exercise that will make an impact on your chin and jawline as well as wellness and lifestyle tips to support you.

Understanding the Dynamics of Facial Exercises and Face Yoga for Double Chin

Our facial muscles, much like the rest of our body, require consistent exercise to maintain optimal tone and vitality. This principle forms the foundation of facial exercises and face yoga.

By engaging facial muscles, particularly the chin, neck, cheek, and jaw muscles, these practices aim to improve muscle strength, increase blood flow, and contribute to a more defined and youthful appearance.

  1. Facial Muscles at the Core: The focal point of facial exercises is, of course, the muscles themselves. Engaging facial muscles through targeted movements and resistance training can help alleviate the appearance of a double chin and promote a firmer, more sculpted facial profile.
  2. Embracing Neck Muscles: The neck muscles form a vital component of the equation. Strengthening these muscles can create a lifting effect that extends from the neck to the chin, offering a more contoured and harmonious look.
  3. Weight Gain and Aging: Factors such as weight gain contribute significantly to the emergence of a double chin. While weight loss is a personal decision, overall weight loss may be needed for the double chin area.
  4. Sculpting the Lower Jaw and Cheek Muscles: The lower jaw and cheek muscles are central to a defined facial structure. Targeted exercises for these areas can lead to a more prominent jawline and youthful cheek contours.

Benefits of facial exercises for the chin

  1. Double Chin Reduction: The primary objective of facial exercises and face yoga is to diminish the appearance of a double chin. By targeting the muscles responsible for this concern, these practices offer a holistic approach to achieving a more streamlined chin and neck.
  2. Enhanced Blood Flow and Circulation: As you engage in facial exercises, the increased blood flow and circulation contribute to nourishing the skin and muscles, fostering a healthier and more vibrant complexion.
  3. Promoting Muscle Tone: Muscle tone is essential for maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin. By exercising facial muscles, you can contribute to improved muscle tone, which in turn lends a more lifted and youthful appearance to the face.
  4. A Natural Face Lift: Unlike invasive procedures, facial exercises and face yoga offer a natural way to lift and rejuvenate the face. This can result in subtle yet noticeable improvements over time.
  5. Combating Fine Lines and Loose Skin: Regular practice of facial exercises can contribute to enhanced skin elasticity and the reduction of fine lines, further supporting a more youthful look.

6 Facial Exercises for the Double Chin and Jawline

1. Jaw Toner

  1. Place your peace fingers and your thumb on both hands and gently pinch your line under your chin. 
  2. Move along your jawline, towards ears on both sides, pinching down to the muscle (not the skin) and releasing. 
  3. Do this 5 times.  

Benefits: Great for releasing jaw tension and those with TMJ, it Lifts, tightens, and tones the jawline.

2. Smile Smoother

  1. Hide your teeth with your lips and make a long O shape with your mouth. 
  2. Keep the lips as tucked as possible and alternate between smiling as wide as you can and making an O shape. Repeat up to 10 times. 
  3. Then hold the smile shape and place your index finger on your chin
  4. Start to move your jaw up and down, as you do this slowly tilt your head back only as far as comfortable.
  5. Relax and repeat two more times. 

Benefits: Reduces fine lines around the mouth, tightens the lower face, softens the nasolabial folds, and tones under the chin and front of the neck. 

3. Kiss the Sky

  1. Tilt your head back gently (to your capacity) and kiss the sky ten times. Make a smacking noise with the lips. You can do this up to 30 times. To keep from creating lines around the mouth I encourage you to do this by curling your lips around your teeth instead of puckering the lips. 

Benefits: Plump and firm the lips. Great for firming the jaw and neck. 

4. Jowl Buster

  1. Rest your fists under your chin.
  2. Push your chin into the tops of your fingers and your fingers into the chin. 
  3. Hold for 3 breaths (don’t hold the breath. Hold the position for three full inhales and exhales)
  4. Relax and Repeat 5 times and release. 
  5. Tap the backside of the fingers under the chin for 10 seconds.
  • Benefits: Firming the jaw line, loose skin under the chin, plumping and boosting the skin (step 5)

5. Giraffe

  1. Looking straight ahead place your fingertips on the top of your neck and smooth skin downward as you tilt your head back. 
  2. Repeat three times or up to 30. 
  3. Then place your fingers on the top of your collarbone point your chin high and jut out the lower lip or curl the lips around the teeth and feel as though you’re pushing out your lower lip. 
  • Benefits: Smooths necklines, boost dull skin, and tightens skin on the jaw. 

6. Swan Neck

  • Start by looking straight ahead with your chin parallel to the floor. 
  • Turn your head to the right so that it is even with your shoulder then tilt the head backwards. Move to your capacity. Hold for 10 seconds. 
  • Return head back to center and chin parallel. 
  • Turn your head to the left and repeat on the other side. 
  • Repeat each side up to three times. 

Benefits: Lifts and tones the neck muscles which results in firming lines and wrinkles on the side of the neck, and releases tension. This helps loose neck skin, turkey neck, double chin

When can you expect to see results from facial exercises for double chin?

Results vary from person to person because everyone’s skin is different. But here are some general guidelines on when and what you can expect with a consistent daily face yoga practice:

  • Right away you will notice your face feels like it got a great workout. You will also notice there is less tension in the face, and beautiful rosy glow.
  • After two weeks you will start to notice more long-term improvements
  • In 2-4 months you will notice less fine lines, less tension and a healthier more glowy complexion.
  • Within 6-9 months most people report they look and FEEL years younger.

My Before and After!

Top tips for face yoga

  • Be sure to start with clean hand and a clean face. Use a small amount of serum or moisturizer to keep from pulling on your skin.
  • Face yoga should be done 6 days a week.
  • These techniques work well in order or as stand-alone techniques.
  • Always listen to your body, you know what is best for your body and consult a physician for any concerns before starting a face yoga routine if needed.

1 Minute Face Yoga Video to Tighen the Neck and Jawline


Scientific Evidence and Research of Face Yoga

In a study conducted by Dr. Murad Alam, a prominent dermatologist, the impact of facial exercises was explored in a group of middle-aged women. Through a regimen of daily facial yoga exercises over 20 weeks, participants experienced heightened muscle tone, increased fullness in both upper and lower cheeks, and an overall more youthful appearance. This study underscored that integrating facial exercises with a balanced lifestyle and skincare regimen augments the positive outcomes.

Moreover, a study featured in the JAMA Dermatology Journal examined the effects of facial exercises on middle-aged women displaying signs of facial aging. Participants who consistently practiced a comprehensive facial exercise routine reported increased muscle thickness and an overall enhanced facial appearance. These results emphasize the potential benefits of regular facial exercise in promoting a youthful visage.

Loren Runion doing face yoga for chin in a mirror

Consider these lifestyle and wellness tips to see more improvement

  1. Address your stress: Stress has a significant impact on your skin and overall health. Stress leads to poor circulation, and less collagen production, and stress often causes more facial expressions that cause wrinkles (looking at you RBF).
  2. Achieving Holistic Health: It’s important to note that while facial exercises can contribute to a more youthful appearance, maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise routine, and proper skincare regimen are equally crucial elements in the pursuit of overall well-being and radiance.

These practices offer a multifaceted approach to addressing concerns such as a double chin, sagging skin, and the signs of aging. Through targeted engagement of facial muscles, improved blood circulation, and heightened muscle tone, the path to a more youthful and sculpted appearance unfolds.

Supported by scientific evidence and countless testimonials, facial exercises and face yoga are not just about appearance, but also about embracing a holistic lifestyle that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit. So, as you embark on this journey, remember that each exercise is a step toward unveiling the radiant and confident you.

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