Necklace hanging on the wall with colored chakra stones.

The 4 Best Crystals for Your Solar Plexus Chakra according to An Expert

Find the 4 best crystals for your solar plexus chakra to boost self-esteem, reset your nervous system and stand in your personal power.

Necklace hanging on the wall with colored chakra stones.

When I first learned about using crystals for healing the chakras, I was completely overwhelmed with where to start. There are so many to choose from it’s enough to give up before you even start.

That’s why I sought out an expert’s opinion, to give me the quick and dirty details of the best crystals for each chakra.

Below, Karen Frazier, crystal expert, author, healer, and teacher shares information during our interview (found here) about what the best crystals are for your solar plexus chakra. Helping you find balance for your third chakra.

Karen’s book Crystals for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with the Healing Power of Crystals (affiliate link) has over 36,000 5-star reviews, so this made her perfect for helping me find the best crystals to help with healing my chakras.

What are crystals and how do they help us?

LR: Let’s start with the basics. What are crystals and how do they help us?

KF: “Crystals are a specific type of rock. There are two kinds of definitions of them. And it depends on who you talk to. If you talk to a geologist, a crystal is a mineral that has an internal lattice structure. And that’s what makes them crystals.

If you talk to a person like me, a woo-woo person as I like to call myself, crystals are any pretty rocks (not always pretty), any rocks that have a vibration that you can bring close to your body and help create or raise or shift your vibration, unblock blockages, or help dampen overactive vibration.

The energy of crystals comes from two things, it comes from their internal lattice structure, and there are six of them. It also comes from the color. And the combination of those two things creates the vibrational frequency of the crystals.

Now the other thing, the wildcard in all of this, is where the crystals have been and how they’ve been treated. There’s a principle in energy healing that’s actually also a principle of physics. It’s called entrainment.

Entrainment is basically taking something that has one vibration, placing it near something that has a different vibration, and they meet somewhere in the middle.

If you have a crystal that you have gotten, that has been in a really low vibration environment, maybe where there’s illness or a lot of fighting, or you know all sorts of things, those kinds of low vibration activities, right, it will have a lower vibration, because it will have met the plate the vibration of the place in the middle,

So you always want to cleanse crystals, because crystals can come to you with lowered energy and vibration from the place that they have been. And you want them to vibrate at their highest most optimal rate because when you put them near you, you want to have that difference in vibration, release blocks, and help energy move frequently, and freely and help to raise your vibration. So you cleanse them.”

Solar plexus Chakra 101

The solar plexus chakra is located in the center of the body above the navel and below the sternum. This chakra is the center of your enthusiasm and drive. It also drives your ability to manifest and create direction in your life.

The primary characteristics of the Manipura chakra are willpower and self-control, which is why self-awareness and positive self-esteem have their foundation of strength in this chakra.

The color yellow represents this chakra which is why yellow crystals and stones are best.

4 Crystals for your Solar Plexus Chakra

The following crystals help with self-esteem and balance the nervous system while supporting the adrenals.

What you will find in common with most of these stones is their color. These yellow stones are part of the reason they help you heal your solar plexus chakra.


Citrine is a quartz variety that has a yellow hue but can vary in color.

Citrine crystal with white background.

Healing Properties:

  1. Boosts self-confidence: Citrine has a yellow-gold color and can help you with self-esteem. Because the solar plexus chakra is responsible for willpower and self-control increasing self-esteem can help you with this chakra.
  2. Attracting Abundance: Citrine is also great for manifesting abundance and prosperity into your life.
  3. Promotes Optimism and Cheerfulness: Citrine is related to the power of the sun, this relation promotes a sense of happiness and lightness that you would associate with a sunny disposition.


Pyrite has very similar benefits as citrine. It is “an iron sulphide mineral with a crystal pattern of cubic or octahedral. ” It is also known as “fools gold”.

Pyrite crystal with white background.

Healing Properties:

  1. Increases willpower and strength of mind: This stone has the potential to help you increase your ability to overcome fears. It can help encourage you to be more confident. This stone grows in block formations and therefore offers you a strong foundation to draw from.
  2. Abundance and Prosperity: One of the most well known stones that increase luck and attract abundance and wealth.
  3. Recharge and reset the nervous system– Because the solar plexus chakra is connected to your adrenals pyrite is great for resetting the adrenal system to help heal the nervous system from being in overdrive.

Yellow tigers eye

Tiger’s eye comes in many different colors and in order to work with your solar plexus chakra you will want yellow/gold tiger’s eye.

Healing Properties:

  1. Protection: Known for protecting against negative energy.
  2. Strengthens and Balances: It strengthens the endocrine system and balances yin-yang energy
  3. Supports Emotions: Supports the emotional body ( Manomaya Kosha)
  4. Increases vital life force, boosts willpower, supports courage, and offers self-confidence.

Yellow topaz or sapphire

Yellow Topaz/ Sapphire raw cut with white background.

Healing Properties:

  1. Increases confidence and optimism: Yellow Topaz strengthens your optimism and confidence. It also helps you with negative thoughts and beliefs.
  2.  Emotional Support: It has a wide variety of emotional issues it can support including things like anxiety.
  3. Great for Manifesting: Increases abundance and helps with goals of prosperity and wealth.
  4. Increases creativity

How to use the crystals

  • Wear them in jewelry or tucked into a pocket, bra or wherever you feel called to wear them.
  • Place them in your wallet or purse
  • Meditate while holding them. I personally like to do yoga nidra while placing the stone or crystal on that chakra area.
  • Hold them randomly throughout the day or at a time you need more support. For example, if you are nervous about giving a report at work or anything out of your comfort zone, hold the crystal before or during the time you need confidence.
  • Place in a space you are often in like your workspace or by your bed.

Cleansing and charging your crystals

  • The full moon– Sit your crystals in a window or outside during a full moon.
  • Palo santo smoke– Be sure to find ethically sourced palo santo.
  • Reiki
  • Selenite– The easiest and low-maintenance way to clean your crystals. You can buy a tray or bowl and place your crystals in or on the selenite. The selenite always stays at a high vibration and does not need to be cleared.

More chakra healing

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