Image with green heart chakra lotus.

45 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Balancing and Healing

Have your relationships been feeling a little off lately? Maybe it isn’t even your relationship with others but the one with yourself that has been feeling a little heavy.

Your heart chakra could need some attention if you have been feeling like things are not as loving and as compassionate as they could be.

Using these heart chakra affirmations will allow you to heal or rebalance so you can give and receive unconditional love to yourself and others.

What is the heart chakra?

The heart chakra, also known as Anahata chakra, is one of the 7 main energy centers in the body. Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disc.

The heart chakra is located in the center of the body at the heart level. This chakra is responsible for your feelings of unconditional love for yourself and for others. It represents your relationship with yourself and others. You can also think of the heart chakra as a representation of giving and receiving.

Each of the seven main chakras are connected with systems and areas of the body. As well as certain stages of life, and have functions in our physical world and spiritual world.

The heart chakra is connected to the heart, lungs, circulatory system, and rib cage area.

It is the center of compassion, empathy, and understanding. When it is balanced you will find that you have tolerance for all life that is rooted in compassion. You are not ruled by doing things because you get something in return, but rather you can give and receive unconditional love.

The lotus symbol for the heart chakra has 12 petals. And the color green represents this chakra.

This is your place and center of healing.

Signs your heart chakra is unbalanced

When a chakra is unbalanced it can be overactive or underactive.

When you have an unbalanced heart chakra you could be experiencing:

  • Inability to open up with others
  • Lack the ability to have empathy
  • You feel unloved
  • Fear of rejection is very strong
  • Lack of self love
  • Clingy or dependent of others
  • Giving too much, never saying no
  • Putting the needs of others before your own
Cartoon image woman in lotus.

45 Heart Chakra Affirmations

These 45 affirmations can help you activate the heart chakra. Be sure to read below to find out more tips to help you heal or activate your heart chakra.

  1. I easily let others into my life.
  2. I feel comfortable being alone.
  3. I have strong relationships.
  4. I work hard to come from a place of unconditional love.
  5. I deeply love and accept myself for who I am.
  6. I accept those closest to me for who they are.
  7. I am open to receiving as much as I give.
  8. I am open to giving as much as I recieve.
  9. I am open to love.
  10. I am open to loving myself.
  11. I am comfortable saying no when needed.
  12. I take care of myself easily.
  13. I feel loved.
  14. I am loved unconditionally.
  15. I am comfortable being in social situations.
  16. I am empathetic to other’s needs.
  17. I love myself when I show up authentically.
  18. Differences between myself and others are easily bridged.
  19. My love grows everyday.
  20. My compassion for all living things grows everyday.
  21. I recognize my deeper needs easily.
  22. I am in tune with what I need and ask for it easily.
  23. My love emanates to those around me.
  24. I can easily show those around me how much I love and appreciate them.
  25. I recognize my strenghts and weakness and love myself for both.
  26. My heart is open.
  27. Saying no more means I am putting myself first.
  28. I am warm, sincere and happy.
  29. I am emotionally empowered.
  30. I am forgiving when needed.
  31. I speak from a place of trust.
  32. I am balanced.
  33. I accept others for how they are.
  34. I release jealousy and focus on love.
  35. I am independent and can be alone.
  36. I care about others.
  37. I know others care about me.
  38. Compassion and warmth surrounds me.
  39. I follow my heart.
  40. I trust my heart to lead me wisely into relationships that are balanced.
  41. I stand confidently with my shoulders back and chest up right.
  42. I love easily.
  43. I am beautiful exactly how I am.
  44. Expressing my emotions is safe for me to do.
  45. I forgive easily so that I may heal and be whole.

How to practice chakra affirmations

Here are a few suggestions on how you can use these affirmations.

  • Use them all in an affirmation meditation practice.
  • Use them as journal prompts to dive into how you feel about them and how they show up in your life.
  • Find 2-3 that really resonate with you and say them at least 10 times once a day until you begin to feel the affirmations holds true for you.
  • Really tune into the feeling of the emotions. If you can recall a specific time in your life where you could tune into what you felt, saw and heard when you have expereinced the emotion this will really bring in your subconcious mind.
  • Imagine the color green while saying them.
  • Say them right before bed. As you are drifting off to sleep your enter into a slower brain wave length state (theta). This wavelength is associated deep hypnosis and the subconsciuos mind (where your beliefs are stored) is very suggestible. Which is exactly what you want.

Other ways to open your heart chakra

Other ways to open your heart chakra include:

  • Using essential oils such as -eucalyptus, peppermint and camphor
  • Gemstones- aquamarine and topaz
  • Yoga– poses that open up the chest like cobra pose, upward dog, and even triangle pose help to balance the heart chakra.

More affirmations

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