
How to Know When Your Intuition is Talking to You

Learning how to know when your intuition is talking to you is one of the best ways to live in alignment with your higher self and experience the abundance life has to offer you.

Following your intuition will help you learn to trust yourself, eliminate self doubt, and allow you to live out your ultimate purpose in this lifetime.

What does intuition sound like?

Intuition typically comes in the form of a whisper in your head. It sounds like your own voice and is very subtle. It’s quiet, positive, and often makes you instantly uplifted about the thought or idea that has come in. 

Although everyone can learn to experience these intuitive messages, it’s important to note that not everyone receives downloads from their intuition in the same exact way.

If you’ve ever been talking with a friend that shares with you how they receive intuitive downloads and it doesn’t resonate with you, know that you may receive messages from your intuition differently. 

Some people may hear their intuition strongest in their head, but others may receive the strongest messages in the form of visualizations or internal feelings, or a combination of all of the above.

Be open to receiving messages in ways you may not have expected. Trust that everything will work out because it always does and always will.

How to Connect with Your Intuition More Easily 

The most important thing to remember when you are creating space for your intuition to come through is that it takes time. Think of it as strengthening a muscle. You need to work at it consistently over time to build the strength to receive the messages clearly.

If you ask for a message or sign from your intuition and it doesn’t come through, be patient. It doesn’t mean you asked in the wrong way or are on the wrong path. It will always come through in the right way at the right time.

Start with creating a small moment of time in your day to get quiet and listen. 

Many of us cram our days with work, kids’ activities, podcasts, tv, etc., and wonder why we can’t hear our intuition. Our intuition could be screaming but we would never know because we surround ourselves with so much outside noise.

Set aside 5 or 10 minutes of time to be present in the moment and connect with your higher self. This doesn’t need to be a fancy ritual with candles or crystals surrounding you.

You can simply do this laying in bed when you first wake up or in the shower. With just a few intentional minutes each day, you will begin to learn to hear and feel your intuition.

Some of my favorite ways to connect with your intuition 

  • Breathwork 
  • Meditation 
  • Connect with your inner child
  • Oracle decks and angel cards 
  • Keep a dream journal

5 Ways Your Intuition May Be Talking to You

Remember that there are a number of ways to receive messages from your intuition. To have the most success, be open to receiving messages in ways you do not expect and be intentional with carving out time to be in the moment with yourself.

1. You have recurring, persistent thoughts or images that keep coming up and can’t be ignored

Have you had experiences that seem to keep repeating themselves or thoughts constantly nudging you in a certain direction? Or maybe you persistently see the same series of numbers, symbols or visualizations in your dreams? This is not a coincidence, but your intuition talking to you. Until you are ready to listen to your intuition, you will find the same lessons and experiences will continue to repeat themselves.

2. You notice a strong sensation in your body

If you have ever met someone and had a gut feeling that something was “off” and made you feel unsettled, this is your intuition communicating with you. You can practice strengthening this sensation by asking yourself a series of yes or no questions.

Paying close attention to the feeling you get in your body right after you ask yourself the question. If something feels good to you, trust the feeling and continue exploring that thought or idea.

 If something feels off to you or doesn’t agree with you, trust it. There is always a reason.

3. What you’re drawn to isn’t logical, but it feels right

Oftentimes when we get downloads from our intuition, it doesn’t feel logical. We can’t explain why we want to do something or why we feel a certain way, it just feels right, regardless of how random it may be.

If you haven’t strengthened the connection with your intuition, it could be very easy to dismiss this feeling. You’ll allow your logical left brain thinking to take over and talk yourself out of what feels good to you.

This is where honing that trust in your higher self is important and going for it, even if you can’t explain why.

4. You remember your dreams clearly and vividly

Connecting with our dreams is a great way to see into our subconscious and receive messages from our intuition. If you are having a reoccurring dream or can easily remember your dreams as if they felt real, these are dreams to pay attention to.

There are a lot of tools available online, like Dream Moods, that can help you decode your dreams and help you understand what your dreams are telling you.

5. You had a new idea that feels random and seems to have come out of nowhere

Have you ever been in the shower or driving somewhere on autopilot and instantly had a random thought that seems to have come out of nowhere?

Or maybe you’re walking out the door and randomly get this feeling like you need to bring an umbrella with you even though it’s sunny outside?

Nothing is random or a coincidence. Pay attention to these thoughts and oblige. See where they lead you. Following your intuition is always the right choice, no matter how random or illogical it may be.

Dive deeper into your intuition

Follow me on Instagram for more tips on strengthening your intuition, meditating, manifestation, breathwork, and how to take control of the day-to-day stress that takes you out of the present moment.

You can also listen to my conversation about using your intuition in business with the most sought-after healer for female empire builders, Emily Aarons. Check out the episode here on my podcast Align and Expand.

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