Black and white photo of Renee Rendall.

Ep. 56 How to Work with the Moon’s Energy

Black and white photo of Renee Rendall.

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I have always wanted to be super into the moon but it always felt elusive. That is why I am so excited to be sharing this episode with you where I am talking to my guest Renee Rendall. Renee makes this topic so freaking approachable! Join me today in a fantastic conversation on how to work with and harness the power of the moon’s energy. 

What you will learn:

She shares her expertise and experience on…

  • 8 Phases of the moon and how to harness the power of each phase
  • Types of energy found in each phase
  • Special rituals for each phase like moon water and salt scrubs!
  • Journaling prompts
  • Intuition and the moon 
  • The seasons and the moon
  • and as always, so much more!

Renee is the creator of Awesome on 20 Kitchen Magick, a food and lifestyle blog sharing comfort food recipes that make cooking magical. She’s also the creator and co-host of The How to Be Awesome Podcast and the facilitator and spiritual guide of The Moon Magic Mastermind. She also offers one-on-one Intuitive Tarot Guidance sessions for anyone looking for guidance and clarity in their life. 

Full Transcript

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Loren Runion 0:00
Hi, Rene, welcome to the show.

Renee Rendall 0:02
Hi, Lauren. Thank you for having me.

Loren Runion 0:04
Welcome back, I should say I’m not sure when this will air compared to your other episode. But welcome back to the space.

Renee Rendall 0:09
Thanks. I’m just so excited to be speaking to you again.

Loren Runion 0:13
Yeah, this will be a really awesome conversation. It is something you know, we’re here and we’re gonna be talking about the moon and how to use the moon, to you know, do things with our life. And I can’t even speak very well about it. Because it’s something that doesn’t stick in my brain. It’s like, I really want to be into the moon, I really want to love doing it, I want to, but it doesn’t, I just don’t understand it. I think I have these expectations of what will happen. And so I’m really excited to hear about what what should actually be happening, because what I want is like fireworks, do some kind of Moon Moon rituals. So I’m excited to learn about the moon and how we can start to really harness the energy a bit for our lives. But before we do, would you mind just giving everybody an intro on who you are? And I’d love to hear about how you got into learning about the moon? Is it and answer this question is knowing more about the moon? Is that like the study of astrology? Or is that something separate? Or is it more maybe with your witchcraft? You can answer all that.

Renee Rendall 1:11
Okay, sure. Well, I’m Renee, I do a bunch of things. I run a food blog called Awesome 120 Kitchen Magic, where I write about comfort food recipes, and also share a little bit of information on how to tap into the energies of the food that you’re working with. If you’re interested in kitchen witchcraft. I also am the creator and co host of the How To Be awesome podcast with my friend Louise, and we talk about sort of everyday well being kind of things, but through sort of a spiritual lens. And then most recently, I’ve started something called the moon magic mastermind, where I actually use the moon very specifically in this part of my business to work with a group of other women, and we meet at the new and full moon every month to just be like really intentional about creating our own happiness. And then with your help, I’ve recently started offering tarot readings as well. So that’s the newest part of my business that I’ve been launching. And it Yeah, it was actually through, starting to get curious about modern witchcraft was one of the first things I really came across was like, I think I was on Pinterest or something, and then saw graphics about the moon phases. And, like, the different names for the different full moons throughout the year and stuff. And it was just one of those things that really grabbed my attention. And, you know, it drew me in right away. And so I was like, What is this? What, you know, how does all this work this working with the moon is something that has been going on, you know, for pretty much as long as human civilizations have been around, like, you can use the moon to grow plants and stuff, like I don’t know much about that side of it. But you know, the reason that all this is on the Farmers Almanac is because the moon phases affect plant growth and stuff like that. So it’s been part of, you know, human social evolution, for as long as we have been living together in groups. You know, when you go outside, and you can see the moon, just in all her glory up in the sky, you can’t help but look up and just kind of stare in awe and wonder it’s so beautiful. So of course, it’s had a massive influence on who we are and what we do.

Loren Runion 3:31
Hmm, yeah, that’s awesome. And I like, I feel like I almost have this pool, but it never sticks. It’s like something I throw stuff out in it, and it doesn’t stick. And I think it’s because I don’t understand. I don’t understand it enough or understand what what should really be happening. So I’d love to start with an end. Because I don’t know very much about it. You know, you may be like, No, let’s go this way with a conversation. And I’m totally open to it, like helping everyone that’s listening really learn how the most important aspects. So you know, when they get done with this, listening to this, they can go and start applying it. So is the best place for us to start really talking about the moon phases, and the types of energy each phase has? Or is there a better place for us to like really begin when we start to think about how to harness the moon’s energy?

Renee Rendall 4:18
Yeah, I think you can kind of start from a high overview level and then get narrower and narrower into how you can work with the moon’s energy. So you can break it down really simply into just the waxing moon and the waning moon so from new to full from when you can’t see the moon in the sky at all to where you have the entire moon showing. That’s the waxing phase. And that energy is good for any type of growth and attraction right because the moon is getting bigger. So if you want to keep it really simple, and you just want to track when’s the new moon when’s the full moon and in the waxing phase, I’m going to be attracting I’m going to be building I’m going to be setting intentions I’m focusing on growth. And then in the waning moon as the moon starts to get smaller, you know, then that is when you want to be focusing on gratitude, reflection, healing, releasing, letting go with anything that’s not serving you, and sort of cleansing and preparing for the next cycle. So you can look at it from, you know, keeping it that simple of just kind of those two major phases. Or you can get really a little bit more detailed and go for all the eight moon cycles as well, if you want to get really nitty gritty with it.

Loren Runion 5:37
And you can do something with each each of those eight cycles. Yeah, let’s talk about it. Because I only really ever, you only hear mostly the new and the full moon. And then definitely later, we can talk about some really specific things people can do for the new and the full moon. But I’d love to hear more about the all eight cycles, because I really didn’t. I didn’t know. cycles.

Renee Rendall 5:58
Yeah. And so, you know, typically in a Gregorian calendar a month is 30 or 31 days, a moon cycle lasts obnoxiously 29 and a half days generally. So it never quite lines up with with the month, although we did have a new moon on the first of the month. And I think if this airs when you said you thought it would it will also be a New Moon on that day.

Loren Runion 6:24
Oh, really? I thought I thought about it this morning. I’m like, well, we timed this really well for this. I mean, you probably did it on purpose. Yesterday.

Renee Rendall 6:35
No, it was actually a complete coincidence. Yes, so the new moon, as I said, is when the moon is completely in shadow, so you can’t see it. And actually, if you are a super nerd like me and have an app on your phone that says when the moon rises and sets every day, the moon is actually in the sky during the day, it’s not even up at night. So you go,

Loren Runion 6:57
Do you really not see it at all, because I’ve read that before. And then I’ve never paid attention when it’s actually a new moon, see if I could see it. It’s black, there’s nothing.

Renee Rendall 7:06
Yeah, it’s complete. It’s completely in shadow. I mean, it’s really a very, very small window of time when it’s completely in shadow. And you can, I mean, you can even add the moon phases to your Google Calendar, and it’ll tell you exactly what time the new and full moon and the first and last quarter moon are. So that’s a really easy way to keep track of it. Most people use a Google Calendar, and you can just click like, you know, you have the holidays. And you can just add the moon phases as well. So at the new moon, obviously, it’s kind of blank in the sky. So this is your blank page, fresh start phase. So this is a really good time to be thinking about the intentions that you want to set. For the coming cycle, kind of what you want to carry over from the previous cycle, if there’s anything new that you want to start working with the New Moon is the ideal time. For this, I have a number of different rituals that I incorporate around this time of year. Most people are big fans of the full moon but I’m really more of a new moon kind of girl, I love a fresh start and a blank page. So this is a great time for not necessarily making like all the nitty gritty plans, but like the the daydreaming and you know setting your intentions and thinking about what you want and how you want to feel in the coming month. Okay, and then as the moon starts to grow, you move into the waxing crescent phase. So this is like the Cheshire Cat moon where you see a little bit of a sliver of the moon. So the moon’s energy is starting to grow. And this is where you want to start you know making more of those concrete plans starting to take action, maybe scheduling meetings, and things like that. Waxing Crescent, is a good time for that. And then from there, you move into the first quarter moon so that’s halfway to fall. And this is a more of a high energy type of of the moon cycles. So you’re going to have a lot of attraction energy at this time. So you might see things beginning to manifest from those intentions that you set. This is a really great time to like actually take meetings and you know, send out proposals to new clients all that like more high energy stuff where you’re you’re putting out your energy and it’s going to be attracting things back to you. First Quarter Moon is great for that. From there you go on to the waxing gibbous phase and this is as you’re starting to get closer to the full moon energy is building it is really kind of like a pushing through. You might start to be feeling a little bit tired but the energy is still there for you still building so it’s just this is like the get shit Done, moon face. Okay. And then following that is the full moon. And I think a lot of that, you know, that’s the one that people are most familiar with, that plays into pop culture the most often. We know that just, I think anybody who’s ever worked in a school or like in a hospital as you have, you know, the full moon, it’s, it’s no joke. You know, right. It’s crazy stuff happens at the full moon. There’s a lot of energy coming from the moon at this time of the month. And it can also affect your sleep, I find that if I am, if I’m like, in a good place, if I’m really in alignment, I get a lot of energy back from the full moon. But if I’m already exhausted or stressed out, the full moon will keep me up at night. So I might be in my bed sleeping, but I’m not getting good quality sleep. And I wake up still tired. And it’s the moon’s fault.

Loren Runion 11:02
Yeah, I agree with you. She does that to me as well. Do you know why? Like, why does? Is it the water? Is it the Is that why it’s a mess? Do you know why?

Renee Rendall 11:15
I don’t I don’t, I’m sure that the science is out there, I’m sure that there is a logical explanation for it. You know, if you’re looking just from a purely energetic standpoint, it’s just giving out a lot of energy. There’s just a lot of energy buzzing around, and how well you’re able to process that will kind of affect how you respond to

Loren Runion 11:40
it. Yeah, that makes sense.

Renee Rendall 11:44
But the full moon is also a great time for sort of recharging and celebration, right, it’s the peak energy. So I like to use this time to kind of look back over the past even from the previous full moon and acknowledge things that have gone well, progress that I’ve made. So often, you know, we can get kind of in the grind of doing doing doing and we forget to be like, I’ve actually done a lot of stuff, I’ve actually accomplished something I’ve actually come a long way, way to go me I think the full moon is a really good time to stop and acknowledge that. And then if you’re somebody who you know likes to work with crystals, and the energy that they have the full moon was really great for charging your, your crystals as well. You can put them in the window at night and let the that energy kind of soak up into your crystals. And if you use other materials, you can do the same as well.

Loren Runion 12:46
So this is a random question about the window. Because it just it didn’t it took me a while or you know, I knew you could do that with your crystals. And it took me a while that I didn’t have to remember to actually take them outside. I could put them in my window. So but do they need to have like, what if you have a window that’s not getting the direct reflection of the moon? Does it still work? Or do they need to be like kind of facing the moon in some way?

Renee Rendall 13:09
Here’s the thing. If you feel like it’s working, and it’s working, and the moon’s energy is really strong, or if he can keep us up at night, it can get to your crystals through the window. Right? Okay, but if you believe that if you put your crystals in the window and they’re not getting charged, then it’s not gonna work. Okay. That’s my, that’s my thought on it. Now, some people will say no, you absolutely have to get them directly in the beam of the moon. I just, I just don’t think that’s true.

Loren Runion 13:43
No, it’s better, like Well, the thing the reason I asked that is it’s it’s almost like everything else with mindset or exercise or like a little bit is better than nothing if I can get them to the window. So that’s probably better than not getting to the windowsill. So

Renee Rendall 13:54
I like that answer. Yeah, and I live in an urban apartment we have you know, a shared backyard that’s really just where you know, the bins go, nobody really goes out there much. Wouldn’t be safe, like foxes would run off with my crystals. So these are pretty Yeah, they go in the window. And that’s that’s fine. Also, some people think that you need to bring them in before the sun comes up. And when I first got started doing this kind of thing, I would like set an alarm for the time of the sunrise so I could bring my stuff in. On that got really exhausting. I choose choose to believe that a little bit of sun energy isn’t going to hurt anything. Okay. So once the sort of high high energy of the full moon starts to pass, we move into the waning gibbous phase. This is also known as disseminating. So you’re gonna still get to see quite a bit of the round moon showing up in the sky. And I find this a really great time to do a gratitude practice. So at the full moon, we can I’ve reflected and celebrated how we’ll be done. But as the energy starts to decrease, you know, the whole of the waning moon is great time for reflection. But the waning gibbous is still quite high energy, you might still be, you know, feeling pretty good. And I think it’s a really great time to just like boost yourself up for the rest of the cycle by focusing on gratitude. Okay, yeah. So if you want to, you know, make a list or call people up and say thank you for helping helping you out or, you know, whatever you do to practice gratitude, I think waning gibbous was really great for that. Last quarter moon, so that’s how, again, halfway back to the New Moon is prime releasing energy. So, you know, you always talk about, you know, finding your limiting beliefs and learning how to let them go. If you have any sort of practice specific practice that you want to do around this, any type of ritual work, or journaling or meditations, the last quarter moon is really great energy for that, because the moon is starting to get, you know, it’s more small than it is big. Right. So it’s really great time for letting things go.

Loren Runion 16:18
So I have a question about that. Because a lot of the things because the full moon stuff is so popular that you see, especially if you’re on any kind of social media, you see people doing things like burning ceremonies or whatever, usually during the full moon. But you’re saying it would be better to do that during the last quarter, the last quarter

Renee Rendall 16:36
moon? Yeah, you definitely could do it at the full moon. And I know that’s really popular. And as I said, As soon as the moon has kind of gone past its peak, and is starting to wane. You can do releasing work at any time then. But for me, I prefer to do it at the last quarter.

Loren Runion 16:57
Well, I like that method better. Because you’re saying that the full moon is a great time for celebration. And you don’t often hear if you’re only focusing on the new moon and the full moon, there’s no time for celebration, it’s this very almost I feel serious moment of reflection, and a very serious moment of letting go. And there’s these two very, I think maybe why I avoid it is it feels very down. And so I like having the full moon of celebration. And isn’t that kind of historically been what happens during the full moon, it’s usually a time for celebration. And yeah, and in other cultures. Yeah, and

Renee Rendall 17:35
if you think about in a time before electric lights, right time, when you could gather together with people would be during the full moon because there’s gonna be more light at night. So you may actually, you know, you wouldn’t have to light as many torches and candles and things like that if you wanted to gather together and have a celebration. So on a very practical sense, you know, the full moon is perfect for that. But also, just because it’s such a high energy phase. And, you know, releasing can can be quite serious. But it doesn’t have to be releasing something heavy, either. One of my sort of daily practices is to write an affirmation in the morning. So that’s part of my morning ritual. And I just keep them on, post it and stick them up on the wall. And then at the end of the moon cycle, I take them all down. And then at the last quarter moon, I have a fire and I release, like I don’t do it every single month. So sometimes I have quite a big stack of post its to go through, but I read through them. And then I dropped them into the fire to release that energy. So I’m not like trying to get rid of it, I’m just trying to send that energy back out into the universe was gratitude. So it doesn’t just have to be about releasing bad stuff, it can be about letting energy go that you’re grateful for as well.

Loren Runion 18:59
Just keeping that energy in motion. I like that.

Renee Rendall 19:01
Yeah. And then the final phase is the waning crescent, you’ll also see this called the balsamic moon or sometimes the dark moon. And so this is again, when you’re getting that really thin sliver of moon in the sky. For me, I find this is usually a pretty low energy phase leading up to the new moon. I usually have my period around this time. So this is a really good time to rest. Reflect look back on the past, the past, you know four weeks of the cycle, think about how things went what you want to change what you’d like to do differently. And I also think this is a really good time for cleansing and preparing for a new cycle. So like I’ll do some really mundane things around my house. Like you know, make sure that I’ve changed the change out the bedding and I’ll like give my house a good scrub if you do Have any type of energy cleansing in your home, this is good time for that. And I also have a ritual where I prepare a salt scrub, because I don’t have a bath. So I do shower, cleansing shower energy cleansing. So I prepare a salt scrub rather than a salt soak on the last night of the moon phase, and then have the cleansing shower in the morning of the new moon to kind of start everything all over again with a clean slate.

Loren Runion 20:26
Okay, and why the salt.

Renee Rendall 20:29
Salt is sorry, just hit my mic. Salt is protective. And it’s also cleansing. So, and then to that I’ll add like essential oils. So I kind of think about the mood or the intention that I want to set. And I’ll choose oils that correspond with kind of the energy that I want to bring into the next moon cycle.

Loren Runion 20:54
And when you are do you is it Epsom Epsom salt or just any salt?

Renee Rendall 21:01
Yeah, any kind of salts? Yeah, any kind of Bath Salts would work, I actually have a recipe on my blog. So we can link to it if you want but because I just make my own you can go out and buy bath salts, any bath salts will work get a great you know, shower scrub, if there’s somebody that you if there’s somebody that you love who makes that you want to buy it from them. Excellent. Do that. I like to change it up every month and add different herbs and different scents so I make my own. For me, it’s much cheaper. And I’m a cheapskate so

Loren Runion 21:37
well, I mean, you can just get a whole box of like Epson Yeah, just for super cheap. And then if you have one bottle of essential oils, it’s not like you have to buy a new one ever. Yeah,

Renee Rendall 21:44
but so a bag of salts lasts me a good six months or more.

Loren Runion 21:51
Yeah. And I like that you do the shower. Like I feel like you’ve really practical ways to apply it, even though you probably would like to take a bath. Like sometimes taking a bath is not I hear that you’re supposed to do that. And I’m like, I don’t have time to take a bath or it’s gonna wake my three year old up and now don’t want to do that. Okay, cool, I can do it in the shower, for sure.

Renee Rendall 22:11
I am an extremely practical, which if something is going to take too long, or get you know, you don’t want your your rituals and your energetic work to become a burden. That’s not what they’re there for. You want them to be accessible, they’re there to make you feel better, and to make you feel more productive and make you feel more open. They’re not there to be a hassle. So find a way to fit it into your life. I noticed when we started chatting, you said a couple times, like what you should be doing. And there is no should you what you shouldn’t be doing is whatever feels right to you. But once you start to tune in to the to the moon cycles, you might start noticing these energies more and feel more pulled to these types of different, like different energies and different activities throughout.

Loren Runion 23:02
Yeah, I you know, I think I say should a lot because number one, I don’t understand it. So it’s i i am going off of what people are saying. But it never resonates. So I like that you’re saying that. Because whatever it is that people are saying out there, I never do it because it never feels like an experience that I want to do again. And I guess that is one of my questions is that I do it. And I think it’s going to be this. I feel like I’m gonna I’m supposed to have some kind of tangible feeling, or explosion or fireworks or this ultimate like release where I’m like, Oh, I’m freaking better. And I don’t you know, so I, I like that you’re saying that it should be. For example, in the mornings when it comes to a morning routine. I’m super like I one of the things that I do for my morning routine. I do things that make me feel good. They’re not big. They’re not these extravagant things. I put like three drops of essential oils in my shower, because it makes me feel good. Yeah, you know, so I like the approach of doing something that makes you feel good versus it being a ritual or this like thing you have to do. We’re setting rules. And if you don’t do it exactly right, and it’s not going to work, I’d rather do something that makes me feel good, like a breathwork or meditation practice, you know.

Renee Rendall 24:10
And you know, just to add to that, each of these, well, different sites will tell you different things. But you know, energy is not stop and start this is this is a continuous cycle. So each of these phases lasts for a couple of days. So like if the New Moon is on a Thursday, but you don’t have time to do your new moon ritual until Friday. It’s fine. Don’t panic. Just do it on Friday when you’re ready for it because it’s going to be better for you. It’s going to have a stronger effect for you if you do it when you’re in, you know, the right frame of mind and you’re feeling relaxed when you’re feeling open to it than if you you know rush it because you think I have to do it right now because Thursday is the full moon and death or the new moon or whatever and if I don’t do it today, then it’s not going to work. As I said before, If you believe it’s not going to work, it’s not going to work. So you’re, you might as well just not had done it at all.

Loren Runion 25:06
Right. And I kind of have that in my mind as you were talking about using all eight cycles versus just the two, because I kept thinking, Okay, well, this works. Because if you can’t get to the new moon, or the full moon, which I never can, it, you could still focus, it was almost like the things that you are, or most people focus on for the new and the full moon really are trickling into those other phases. So it was it was like, it would still work. But either way, it sounds like it still lasts for a couple of days. And it doesn’t.

Renee Rendall 25:39
Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, I quite like a good ritual, I love to burn some shit. But also, a lot of the things I do are much simpler, you know, meditation and journaling, and things like that. And you can incorporate the energy of the phases of the moon into that. So like, I keep, you know, I write in my journal every night, but I keep it as a lunar journal. So I track the moon phases in my journal, and what I write about is focused around the energy of the phase of the moon. So like, when we’re in the waning gibbous, I’m really doing a lot of gratitude in my journal. And when we’re getting you know, when we’re in the new moon phase, I’m really concentrating a lot on the intentions that I want to set. So I’m using those different energies, just simply in my journaling, to kind of focus, you know, what I want to be reflecting on throughout the cycle. You know, and you could also choose a meditation that sort of corresponds with the cycle of the moon, that we’re in

Loren Runion 26:46
simple things. Yeah, that makes me way more excited to do and to implement into my day, and less so. And honestly, I can’t really do a full blown practice, like burning something, my husband is not open to this stuff. And so then it means to be doing that he’d be like, do I need to commit you like is this, okay? So it’s not even something I want to have a conversation about. So usually, I did finally last full moon, I got in, I did the burning thing. I did a bath, I didn’t have like bath salts. So I use like Himalayan sea salt. You know, I did it, I totally got done. And I’m like, I didn’t really feel any different. I don’t really like that didn’t that didn’t light me up, I have no desire to do it again. But I do want to work with the moon. So I really like, you know, maybe it’s that I’m doing a breathwork practice on the full moon that’s really focused on, you know, celebration, or whatever opening like energy, like creating. I love those suggestions.

Renee Rendall 27:40
Yeah, there are infinite ways that you can use the moon’s energy. And it’s just about being aware of what phase you’re in. And, you know, finding what works for you what you enjoy what makes you feel good, that will help you focus on those energies. Another one of the apps that I use is called moon calendar. And it tells you kind of what phase of the moon where you’re in each day. And what what sign the moon is in, it gives you a little horoscope. And it tells you also kind of where the moon lines up with some other things in your chart and what house it’s in and stuff like that. So it just gives you a quick rundown of sort of how the moon’s energy might affect you that day. And that’s part of my morning routine, as well as just to check that and see kind of what’s going on, kind of in my chart regarding where the moon is at right now.

Loren Runion 28:34
I’ll have to check that out. Because I feel like a lot of the moon apps, I have one that is it’s called Moon li it’s super interesting. I thought I would really like it. I think I may have even paid for it. It says all these words that don’t make sense. And then the other one, you know, especially if you don’t know this would make sense to you. But it doesn’t to me like Saturday, it’s an Saturn moon in the areas like I don’t know what any of that means. So it’s very overwhelming. And then like the other one that I have, it’s a very practical Moon app. I’m trying to look at it to see what it is. But it doesn’t tell me what the moon actually is. It just tells me it tells me what phase it’s called moon phase. And so it says waxing crescent. But then it says next full moon 14.1 day is trying to figure out what 14.1 days is very stressful. Yeah, they still don’t know when the full moon is even when it says Full Moon one day. I’m like is that now is it happening right now? Tomorrow one day?

Renee Rendall 29:25
Yeah, I think I tried that moon the app and was just a little bit underwhelmed, but I really liked the moon calendar. It’s snippets of information. I think you can definitely do more with it than what I use it for. But it’s you know, snippets of information. It’s suggestions of like they have some different Oracle Card spreads in their suggestions of rituals that you could do. I think there’s even some like homemade beauty products, recipes and stuff like that. But I mainly just do it kind of for a quick check in, see where things are and kind of keeps me on top of it. The phases and it does give each moon phase about three, three ish days.

Loren Runion 30:06
Okay, that was going to be one of my questions. Do you have something on your, your website that has that breaks down each aid? You do?

Renee Rendall 30:13
Yep, yep. So I have a post on my website about working with the moon’s energy. And then we also did a podcast episode about it. But it’s probably all the stuff that I’ve just told you. So,

Loren Runion 30:26
yeah, well, we can link to both. But I need to see it written down, you know, or for anybody who’s listening in there, they weren’t able to write down those eight phases. I really liked the journaling suggestion, because a lot of people don’t like to journal, they don’t know what they’re supposed to journal about. But even just knowing the eight phases, and then for three days, you’re journaling about gratitude and three days, you’re journaling about things that you’re celebrating, like that’s such a really high vibe practice, just to have the those three days that you’re focusing on wins or letting go or, or whatever. What are some other rituals that we haven’t talked about that you like, or would encourage people to do? Is there anything that we’ve left out?

Renee Rendall 31:02
Well, let me think, yeah, so I mentioned the shower that I do at the new moon. So I create my own salt scrub, and do a cleansing shower then. And that’s really just about kind of like imagining any negative energy that you might have been holding on to from the past cycle, just washing away, just, you know, seeing it, you can watch the water, go down the drain, and just imagine any negative energy flowing away with it. And it really sets you up for a nice fresh start. And then also, at the new moon, I have a practice where I actually write down my intentions and what I want to manifest. I, my husband bought me a wax seal with a sigil that I created for success for my business, as he’s super thoughtful. So I actually write it on a little slip of paper and then seal it with wax. But that’s not practical for everyone. It’s something that I really enjoy, because it’s meaningful, and it’s personal to me. And then at the full moon, I always charge all of my materials. It’s getting a little ridiculous trying to get them all out. Give me one Big Ben. Yeah. But it’s more so like when I’m thinking about specific energy work or, you know, rituals that I want to create things, I feel like I need to move my energy, I will check and see I’ll I’ll think about kind of what moon phase would correspond best with that and plan the ritual around the face of the moon. So if I know that I need to do some releasing work, I would, you know, but you don’t have to wait, if you like you, if you need it, you need it. But if you feel like you can give yourself the time to do it during the waning moon, then you just hold off and do it then because the energy is going to be more favorable. Whereas if you really want if you’re wanting to do something to like, attract money, you would want to do that during the waxing moon, particularly during the first quarter is really peak attraction time, anytime between first quarter and full moon, you can do a lot of attracting energies. So okay, but to me, I think creating rituals is really personal. I have a lot of fire in my chart. I love working with fire. So burning stuff I find personally really powerful. I like seeing, like my fears and anxieties actually like being set on fire and disintegrating that feels really powerful for me, but some people are more connected with water or air. So maybe you want to or maybe you’re an earth person, you want to gather up some fallen leaves or, or something like that and take them to a stream and let the stream carry away. You know, you know, your, your fears or your anxieties or whatever, that’s a really great releasing practice that doesn’t need fire alarm started,

Loren Runion 33:59
I started tearing up when you said that I’m like, oh, that must be what my body wants, it doesn’t want the fire it wants something else.

Renee Rendall 34:05
So you you go to a moving body of water or a stream or a river or something like that somewhere that you enjoy being somewhere that makes you feel calm and happy. And you take whatever object resonates with you. It should be something natural if you’re going to release it into a body of water, but maybe flower petals or maybe leaves from a tree or something. And you can if you want to write what you’re releasing on it, you can do that. Or if you just want to speak what you’re releasing as you let that pedal or that leaf fall into the water. And then just watch, watch it being washed away. It’s carried away. It’s not in you anymore. You’re sending it back to the water into the earth and it will be absorbed by this you know kind of immense power of nature that supports us. You don’t have to carry it anymore. You let the water carried away for you.

Loren Runion 34:59
That’s beautiful. I like At. And again, I love that you said that it should feel you said the fire feels good to you it’s almost, it would be like having a meditation or you know, you it feels good and it does something different into your body. And I think that’s needs to be highly encouraged with, with what anybody is doing, you know, don’t make it feel like a should like I kept saying in the very beginning, because

Renee Rendall 35:21
it won’t, it won’t work for you, if it doesn’t feel right. If it doesn’t, if it doesn’t raise your vibration, it’s not going to do anything for you. So I think any type of ritual work is, is very, very personal. There are lots of different resources online, you know, I use the term spells because I practice witchcraft, but any type of ritual or energy work, there’s lots of different resources online or in books and things like that, where you can go and get someone else’s ritual. But I always adapt it for my own needs. And the more you learn about it, the you know, the easier it becomes to know, you know, like, this ingredient is good for this energy, this color represents this energy and you can kind of pick and choose, but if it doesn’t let you up, it’s just not gonna work.

Loren Runion 36:10
And you can also because you said this, the colors that really made me think of chakras, and if someone’s into chakras, or they know there’s a certain chakra that they’re, you know, interested in healing or balancing, there are certain parts of the moon that each chakra is more, you know, alive in or you know, awakened at that time and a better time for you to work with that. So, you know, if you’re like, Well, what color do I pick where you maybe you look up what chakra, or maybe you think about what feels restricted or off about you. And maybe you feel like you can’t speak your voice. And so then that’s your throat chakra. And then you think of the color and I don’t know off the top of my head that the moon cycle that’s best for that. But I love incorporating all those other things. And keeping it higher vibe than just releasing just releasing fears. I guess that’s what I every time I thought about it, I thought I had to, it had to be so not organic is the only word I can come up with. It had to be so rigid. And I don’t know and never resonated. And then something you mentioned earlier that I did want to add that I had read. And you can add to it, because you said you have so much stuff that you want cleansed, I’m assuming that’s a lot of your witchcraft stuff are more than crystals. But I’ve read that you can even do your cell phones or things that are around you all the time that are accumulating energy that you can put those anything that you want cleansed and the energy released. Yeah, I looked at it with my cell phone.

Renee Rendall 37:31
Yeah, one of the things that I do is I create Moon water at the full moon. So I just have to craft from IKEA. That’s all it is. I just, you know, I energy cleansed it and I set an intention that that is going to be the container for my moon water. And so I put that out at the full moon because I want it to be high energy. But you can also surcharge things at any moon phase. And it’s just going to carry a slightly different energy. So if you have a crystal that you want to dedicate to releasing or you know, banishing, or protection or anything like that, then you would put that out during the waning moon and it would absorb that energy. If you have an object that you want to charge with attraction, put it out during the waxing moon.

Loren Runion 38:18
And what do you do with the moon water, you drink it?

Renee Rendall 38:21
Yeah, I put a little bit in my tea in the morning, I sometimes water my plants with it, I sometimes use it in my, my essential oil burner. Like I use my essential oil or all the time. But sometimes if I need it too, like I really need this essential oil diffusion to do something. For me, I just add a little bit of extra power by using the moon water.

Loren Runion 38:44
I like that it’s much better than water that hasn’t been cleansed with good energy that comes out of the sink. Sure, that’s not high vibe at all. It’s real nasty. What else? Is there anything else that you feel like we need to add to this conversation for anybody who’s new or not new? Or you know, based off of what we said or that with your experience? Because I really love your take on the moon rituals and the harnessing of them the moon?

Renee Rendall 39:10
Yeah, I just think the most important thing is to follow your intuition. But you know, the moon is really closely tied to intuition. So anytime, I guess this isn’t where I meant to go with this. But anytime that you are wanting to work on your intuition, I think calling on the moon’s energy can really, really be beneficial in that as well. You know, it’s that really watery emotional energy. And in a lot of cultures, the moon is seen as female or represented by a goddess. So it really encapsulates that feminine energy. So if you’re wanting to bring more of that into your life working with the moon can be really effective. But just as I said, you need to do it in a way that feels good to you. Or it’s it’s not going to matter if it’s if you’re trying to force said, You’re not going to carry on with it, because it’s just going to stress you out. And why would you do something that stresses you out. So keep it as simple as you need it to be. And use tools to help you kind of keep track of where the moon is, you know, get an app on your phone or whatever. We’re modern humans. And we don’t have to, like use a telescope or at be able to look up at the sky. To know what the moon phases, we can just check Google and it’ll tell us, and that’s totally fine. You don’t, you don’t need to be an astronomer or an astrologer to work with the moon’s energy. And you can also follow the seasons with the moon. I forgot to mention this as well. But there are traditional names for each full moon. And each full moon carries a slightly different energy. So like, this will be slightly out of date by the time this goes live. But the full moon that we just passed a couple of weeks ago was the worm moon. And so that’s in March worm like yeah, oh, RM Yep. Okay. The worm Moon is all about the reawakening of things that have been lying dormant. So it’s, you know, late winter, early spring, and it’s reminiscent of, you know, worms coming out of the ground bugs coming out of the trees, just things starting to wake up again. You know, as you go through the seasons, you have things like the flower moon in the Pink Moon, in the spring, and they’re about fertility and abundance. As you get into the fall, you have the Harvest Moon and the Wolf Moon and things like that, that are more about gratitude and preparation. So it really follows the seasons as well. So it’s a great way to not only get in tune with the Earth energies from month to month, but throughout the year as well.

Loren Runion 41:58
I had a couple of thoughts pop up. And the first one I’ll touch on is that and I wonder because you said the Pink Moon and I remember, we just had one not too long ago, didn’t we? I mean, it may not have been super close. But I feel like we within the last six months had a Pink Moon, could that be accurate?

Renee Rendall 42:12
No, it should actually be coming up.

Loren Runion 42:16
We had some kind of big color moon, but not too long ago,

Renee Rendall 42:20
sometimes. So sometimes, like, astronomically, they’ll call it something like a red moon or a super moon or something like that, because of the way that the moon appears. But if you’re looking more at like the traditional, sort of, it’s different. Yeah, cultural names, a lot of the names that we use are from the Old Farmer’s Almanac. And so they derive either from like Celtic fish or, you know, sort of ancient British peoples, or they come from Native American cultures. So it’s more about like, kind of what was happening in the earth at that time of year when that new moon normally appears, which is a little bit different from some of that actual astronomy names that they might give to the full moons.

Loren Runion 43:16
So why he was gonna say about that? I’m glad that I said that. Because I would have thought I thought you were referring to the other thing. And then I also realized, as you were talking that for me, personally, if I’m really tuning into what happens to me during the full moon, I’m pretty agitated. Like, you know, my husband and I usually get in a fight, because the full moon can intensify emotions. It brings out I wouldn’t, maybe anger I’m sure I’m definitely shorter tempered. And maybe that’s why I don’t ever resonate with a full moon or I don’t you know, everybody’s always like, Oh, this is my vibe. And I’m like, I don’t get it. I think but it could be because I’m personally having a different energy during that time.

Renee Rendall 43:54
I think it’s, it’s high energy and that there’s a lot of energy going out. But it’s not necessarily always high vibe. Right? Think of, you know, I

Loren Runion 44:07
feel like people on Instagram make it seem that way. Yeah. They make it seem like it’s this glorious, beautiful and it may be for someone and I’m not saying it’s not I guess I’m just saying that it dawned on me that if I can make this personal. The full moon is not very high vibe for me. And that’s okay.

Renee Rendall 44:23
I really prefer the new moon. I feel much better at the New Moon usually than I do at the full moon. A lot of people are really exhausted at the full moon because we’re not the only ones that have trouble sleeping that a lot of people experienced that and think about like you know werewolves come out at the full moon right that’s not a positive and obviously we’re right but you know this this legend it you know, that people get they get Yeah, agitated wherever you know whatever energies are in you can be everything can just gets amplified by the law. Does the moon you know, the word lunatic? Comes from lunar. It just didn’t vibe with that. It just made it just heightens everything equally, it turns up the volume on all your emotions. Also, I think sometimes, you know, people who are in love with the full moon on Instagram, is that how they really feel? Or is that their marketing?

Loren Runion 45:29
Yeah, true. Very true. It’s theirs, their show their stage, their stage feeling? Yeah, that makes sense. And also, you know, for the, for anyone who still has a cycle, or, you know, where are you at in your cycle, because I am usually I’m not now, because for some reason, like some point in the year it switches, but I was very much getting ready in the point of my cycle. When the Foreman’s coming, that I’m getting ready to start, so I’m already in a space of being more agitated and more like less to deal with bullshit, you know? So that probably didn’t help either.

Renee Rendall 46:05
No, of course not.

Loren Runion 46:08
I have another question or just wanted to add on for anybody who’s listening. That’s, you know, I don’t know how many male listeners I have. But anybody who’s who was a male, or identifies as a male, or, you know, when you said something about the feminine, feminine energy, and the moon is the feminine or you we always have this yin and yang, and the opposite. The sun is the masculine energy that the moon is the feminine, and that doesn’t have to do with gender. And it doesn’t have to do with like, male, female. I just wanted, you know, to touch on that. And have you speak to it, that harnessing your feminine energy isn’t about it can be about like, harnessing like Goddess, you know, really feminine energy, but also cultivating all of the feminine energies, which are intuition and creativity, and all of those very flowy things that we have that are not check the box black and white kind of thinking,

Renee Rendall 46:55
oh, yeah, absolutely. I always say, you know, masculine and feminine energy is available to everyone. And some people have even stopped using the terms masculine and feminine energy because some people aren’t open to understanding that as a concept separate from gender or biological sex. It doesn’t actually have anything to do with, you know, your body parts, right? It’s right. It’s these archetypal energies that are just kind of, in the collective

Loren Runion 47:28
we all need. We all need a balance of them, whatever your gender is, or,

Renee Rendall 47:33
yeah, so if you regardless of your gender identity, if you feel like you need to tap into your emotions more, working with the moon can be really helpful.

Loren Runion 47:45
Yeah, well, this was a great conversation. Is there anything else that you think we should add to make it complete?

Renee Rendall 47:52
I feel like I should come up with something clever to say, but I think we’ve talked about everything

Loren Runion 47:56
where you kind of answered it when you went. The other thing I kind of asked it twice. So that’s not fair. So where can everybody find you? Where could they find information about your if they loved Oh, I do want to talk about this. You talked about how you have your moon mastermind you use it to like goal setting, how talk a little bit more about and how you help people do that, with their goals and the moon.

Renee Rendall 48:23
Yeah, for sure. So I’m the facilitator of what I’ve called the moon magic mastermind. And so this was something I was kind of doing casually with a couple of friends. And then it just kind of blossomed into something that added to my business because they loved it so much. We wanted to invite more people to be a part of it. So we meet at the new moon. To get together and set intentions, I put out journal prompts to everybody for each meeting, so they can kind of have something to think about before they come in. And the new moon always focuses on setting intentions, you know what you want to take action on how you want to move forward in the coming cycle, that very blank page fresh start kind of energy. So we come together, and we discuss kind of what we want to focus on for the coming cycle. And it’s just an opportunity for everybody to put their children in another room or, you know, let go of their responsibilities for an hour and come together with people who really want to cheer them on and help them focus on their own happiness and be intentional about their goals. And it’s one of my favorite things. Honestly, it’s always super positive. And I just feel so amazing when it’s over. So yeah, that’s kind of what we do at the New Moon is a lot of intention setting and then we meet again at the full moon, check back in and see how everybody’s getting on so far. And really celebrate the progress that we’ve made. Think about anything that we might have come up for us in the first two weeks that we’d like to let go of then the second two weeks of the cycle and support each other to to keep moving forward. So yeah,

Loren Runion 50:11
and when they sign up is that something they commit to for a certain amount of time or like they could come in?

Renee Rendall 50:16
Yeah, so ideally, you would commit for at least one moon cycle. So you can do just one month at a time, if you wanted to sign up for that. There’s also an option to do three months or six months. And there’s also an option now to combine that with Tarot readings. So we have our mastermind meetings at the new moon around the new moon and the full moon it works within people’s schedules. Actually, scheduling the meetings is my least favorite part. It’s very, there’s lots of math involved because everyone’s in a different time zone but we work around people’s schedules so that we can all get together to support each other. So you can do that as the new moon and the full moon and then in the weeks in between the first quarter moon and the last quarter moon you can meet with me one on one to do a Tarot reading.

Loren Runion 51:05
Awesome. And where can they find more information on that and come hang out with you if they would like to do so.

Renee Rendall 51:10
Yeah, so the The mastermind is Moon magic. tarot readings are there as well. You can sign up for those. My blog is awesome on 20 That’s two zero. Awesome on I mostly hang out on Instagram. I’m Renee underscore awesome on 20.

Loren Runion 51:31
And then you do a to a Tarot. The Tarot thing on Tuesdays T. What do you call it?

Renee Rendall 51:38
Tea and taro Tuesday? Yeah, yeah, so 8pm UK time Tuesday evenings, I grabbed my tarot cards, I asked some random questions and I let people know kind of just, it’s a reading for the collective. I’m not psychic. So I do intuitive Tarot. Anybody can use tarot cards in this way. You know, tarot cards are just pieces of cardboard with pictures on them. But these pictures happen to represent universal universal archetypal energies. And so it’s kind of like, you know, when you think of the idea of a Rorschach test and in psychology, like you see what you want to see to a certain extent. Yeah. So you, you know, we look at the cards and we kind of think about how that might apply to whatever’s going on in the world, or whatever kind of energy is, is bubbling up for people.

Loren Runion 52:34
Awesome. All right. Well, thank you so much for being here and sharing all of this wonderful information with us.

Renee Rendall 52:39
Thank you for having me.



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My website –
Our podcast episode about the moon phases –
Blog post: How to Work with the Moon’s Energy to Get Stuff Done –
Moon Magic Mastermind –
Intuitive Tarot Guidance –

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