A compass sitting on a rock.

Ep. 41 Fear is the Compass You are the Guide

A black and white photo of a compass.

Listen to this episode of Align and Expand on the player above, or find it on Apple or Spotify.

Fear isn’t a bad thing. In fact, instead of shunning fear, you should be using it as your compass. As the guide, you get to decide which direction to go when fear pops. 

Tune in to this quick ten-minute episode and hear what happens when choosing to align with the narrative of fear and what you can do instead so it stops holding you back in your life and business.

Transcript of the episode

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Loren Runion 0:05
You’re listening to the Align and expand podcast. Join your host, Loren Runion, in conversations that will inspire you to intentionally create a life you love. What’s up, everybody. I’m Loren runion. And welcome back to another episode of align and expand podcast,

Loren Runion 0:21
I want to start having some really quick episodes, 10 minutes in length, ish, that you can just hop on listen to get a little piece of information, and then go about your day instead of having to worry about trying to consume longer form of content. And today, I want to talk about fear. And there’s just some things that I want to get off my chest and make sure that everybody is aware of and really thinking about when it comes to fear, because I talk a lot about fear, being this emotion, that is low vibration, or pushing you away from your goals or your manifestations. And while that’s true, it’s also not true, or could be not true. So I want to dive into what I mean by that. What does it even mean that fear could be pushing your goals away, or it couldn’t be pushing your goals away. And so let’s talk about it like this, I think about fear, like, fear is your compass. And in order for the compass to actually be doing any good, you need a guide that’s looking at the actual compass. And so fear is your compass, and you are your guide. And when we look at fear this way, what happens is that we can acknowledge that number one, we’re having fear. And number two, as the guide, we get to decide what am I going to do about this fear, because fear is normal, fear is natural fear is never going to go away. fear, stress, overwhelm, all of these things are never going to go away, you’re never going to have zero stress, or you’re never going to have zero overwhelm, are never going to have zero fear. The goal with all of those feelings with all these feelings that could possibly be pushing your manifestations away further is to acknowledge them and to decide what you want to do with those feelings. Because what we don’t want to do with those feelings is to become consumed with them, we don’t want to go down this rabbit hole of fear that keeps us in the same place year after year. What we want to do with that is we want to acknowledge we have fear, and we need to kind of dive in and dissect this fear that we’re having is this fear compass goes off for we’re heading towards fear is this fear there? Because there is actual danger? Could something really bad happen in my life? Or is this fear there, because I really want this. And I’m starting to have some limiting beliefs pop up, I’m starting to have some of my subconscious mind, give me some of the shit that I need, so that I don’t go after this, because this is out of my comfort zone. So there’s two things, you could have fear because there’s actual danger. And you could have fear because it’s what you really want. And it’s out of your comfort zone. And like I say, it’s you have to is absolutely essential, you don’t get to get out of your comfort zone without going through the fear zone. It’s absolutely it’s absolutely necessary. It’s part of the process. It’s a part of your evolution, it is part of it’s in your DNA. because way back when we say all the time, way back when when it was an it was imperative for your survival that you stay in your comfort zone was automatically triggered, if you decided you’re going to get out of your comfort zone, when you know back in the saber toothed Tiger days, that you’re going to be really fearful for your life. So all of that is still going to happen. We didn’t override our what our main, the main job of our brain, as we evolved, we didn’t override that feature. It just came with us. And now it doesn’t make sense for us. And we think that it’s real. And we think that we have to apply it, even though our world has evolved. So we’re going to use this fear as our compass. And the compass says, Alright, I’m really scared. I’m scared of this next step. Let’s say that you want to change how you’re doing your business. And then all of these thoughts, like, what if it doesn’t work out? What if I’m not good enough? What if I can’t show up enough on camera? What if this is no one else is doing this? This is stupid, or what someone’s who is already doing this? What if all of those things start popping up? These are normal. And what you get to do as the guide of your fear is decide if this is something that you want to align with. Do you want this fear to control you? Do you want this fear to keep you from from moving forward? And if the answer’s no, then you have to develop ways to move out of that fear. There are several things that you can do. But number one, let’s get rid of the beliefs that are keeping you held back. So if we start changing these underlying beliefs in the subconscious mind, what’s it going to give you? Okay, you fix this fear of failure, you’re no longer scared of failing because you know that if you failed, you tried and you showed up and you did what you were supposed to do and you’re going after your calling and you did these things. What’s the subconscious mind going to give you next Okay, well, if you fail, then people are going to judge you and you’re like, but I’ve worked out that too. If they judge me, then they judge me and I’m still showing up and I’m Still trying and I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. So as we work through these beliefs that are holding us back around the fear, the subconscious mind is going to have less and less things to show us that we have to be scared up, or it’s still going to try and show you because you still had these experiences in the past, but you now have the tools to be like, No, I realized that happened to me in the past, but I’m going to choose something different because I know that it means something else. It’s about creating these new resources that we have based off of the stories that did happen to us. That doesn’t to say that you have these beliefs or these limiting beliefs, you have them because something happened along the way. Doesn’t mean you have to keep carrying that story with you forever and ever. You used to believe in Santa Claus, did you carry that with you until you’re 40? Do you used to believe that you know, monsters lived under your bed? Did you carry that with you until you’re 40? No, because that no longer serves you. So it’s the same thing. We can let our imagination and our subconscious mind go crazy with all these what if scenarios, or we can choose that that’s something that we don’t align with anymore, and we’re going to choose something different. The reason fear can start to push away your goals or be a repellent against anything that you’re trying to manifest into your life is that you could possibly be getting sucked into the fear. And your thoughts are fear based and your thoughts are lack based and your thoughts stay in that state. It’s not that you had some fear. And occasionally the fear pops up, but you’re still moving forward. It’s that you have this fear. And based off of the thoughts that you’re having, it affects the actions that you’re taking, which I mean, you can’t have a manifestation come through, if you’re not taking action, you have to be taking some kind of action. manifestations are thoughts coming into physical form, everything that has ever come into your life was first thought

Loren Runion 6:56
anything anyone’s ever created in this world was first thought. And so we have to think it in order for it to come from this energy from the thought field, we have to do action so that it can come through into our physical world. So we have this fear. And we can choose to keep talking about the narrative in our head about what’s happening. Or we can choose something different, which means that we take different action, every action you take is based off of the thoughts you’re having in your mind, when it starts to block the manifestation from coming through is when you start attaching your your outcomes to the story is when you’re starting to attach the reason why you can’t move forward with the story. The story you’re hearing in your head is real, like you’re hearing it those fears are real. But it doesn’t mean their truth. It doesn’t mean their truth. So you can decide is this true for me right now? Is this what I want to believe? Do I want to believe that there’s monsters under my bed? Or do I want to move forward with that, it’s your choice, you get to do it. And so when we start to attach the story to it, we start to come from a place of, of, of these thoughts of worry, and then our feelings or worry. And then our feelings are what determine our vibration. And our vibration is what we attract because like attracts like and that’s based off of your vibration. When you get wrapped up into this story of fear, or doubt or stress. Your emotions are usually fear, doubt and stress. So your vibration is lower fear, doubt and stress. But you can choose something different. I talk all the time about practicing awareness. The first step in mindset is always awareness, if you’re not aware that you’re doing these things, which most people aren’t, but you’re listening to me, so I know that you’re trying, if you’re not aware that you’re doing these things, then you’re just going to be on autopilot all the time, you’re not going to realize that the reason you’re having a crappy day is because of the thoughts that are going on in your head because you’re not creating awareness and space to even make that connection. So the first step is awareness. Once you have this awareness that you’re having this fear, you’re looking at your compass, the compass is going off, it’s going in the direction of fear, you get to be the guide, and you get to decide if that’s the direction you’re going. Or if you want to choose a different direction. If you stay in the direction of fear, and the fear is based off of a limiting belief, or things that are keeping you stuck on blaming anything that’s outside of you, then you’re repelling everything away from you that you could possibly bring into your life. And let me tell you, if you can think that you can have it. And so you can have absolutely everything that you think of as long as you stay aligned with that. And when you think of it, when you think of that goal, when you think of the thing is that is the opposite of your fear that when you’re actually having it when you’re there, that thought process when you’re there and you have it is not a fear. It’s of whatever that goal is going to bring you that’s what you want to embody. So you’re not you’re here fear comes up. You have these feelings of fear. I’m scared to make this dream a reality. But this is what I’ll get if I do it. Awareness and then choice you pick which one you want it to be. So right at 10 minutes I want to keep these short I want to keep them digestible. Let me know if you love the 10 minute format reach out to me on Instagram DM me at Lauren dot Runyan. Don’t forget you guys, I would love it so much if you could leave me a review. And if you’re watching on YouTube, same thing thumbs up I’ll talk to you guys later. Thank you so much for listening to another episode of The Align and expand podcast. If you’re an iTunes listener and you loved this episode, please leave a review. And if you leave a review, send me a screenshot and then I will be sending you a special exclusive meditation made only for my listeners who are so kind enough to take time out of their day to leave a review of the podcast.


If you have any questions, thoughts or just want to chat be sure to email them to hello@lorenrunion.com

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