Coffee and magazine next to a pot of flowers.

37 Sunday Affirmations to Replenish and Motivate Your Day

Uncover 37 Sunday affirmations to help you let relax and be present for your last day of the weekend but also inspire you to prepare for your week ahead.

Coffee and magazine next to a pot of flowers. Words overlayed Sunday affirmations replenish and motivate.

Sundays can be tricky right?

I mean part of you really wants to curl up with a good book and chill all day, part of you is trying not to dread going back to work or school, and what’s left of you is probably having some kind of conversation that says you should get organized for the week.

Yuck. That sounds like a mind f*ck.

Below you will find 37 Sunday affirmations that will help you step out of the mind f*ck and step into the version of who you want to be on Sunday. No guilt, no stress and anxiety, and no shoulds. Just being you.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are short positive statements that are repeated in order to evoke a specific desired change, mindset, or outlook.

They are like planting a seed of positive thought. The more you repeat them, the more you water and care for the seed. Eventually, the seed grows and blooms and so do you.

Affirmations change your thought patterns into a new reality. Read on to why they can help you make lasting changes that stick.

Affirmations can be used for anything! They are personally, one of my favorite ways to make positive changes and grow into a better person.

How can affirmations make my Sunday a good day?

The fact is affirmations work. Science shows that through repetition they access the subconscious side of the brain helping you make lasting, permanent changes.

The most beautiful part about affirmations is you can use the science of neuroplasticity and affirmations and apply them to any area of your life. That includes making your Sunday replenishing, rejuvenating, and motivating all at the same time.

Self- affirmations are successful at broadening your overall perspective and reducing the effects of negative emotions and negative feelings. They offer new ways for your brain to think and perceive situations.

Using Sunday affirmations can work as setting an intention for your day. When we set an intention for what we want to create in our day, we are offering our subconscious mind directions to follow. Instead of unconsciously going about our day, we have an intention of what we want to create.

Sunday affirmation I trust the unfolding of my day.
Sunday affirmation I am proud of the choices I make today.

List of Sunday Affirmations (37 positive Sunday affirmations)

  1. I allow myself to rest and recharge without guilt today.
  2. It is okay to slow down and enjoy my day.
  3. I feel calm and know I can still accomplish what I want while taking care of my well-being.
  4. Today is a new day, and I am so grateful to experience it.
  5. This Sunday is the day that I (insert what you want to do) and I accomplish it easily.
  6. I wake up slowly and relish in the comfort of my bed.
  7. I take the time to enjoy a slow morning in my favorite spot in my house.
  8. I am so grateful for this day and the plans I have.
  9. I am happy being with myself and I am content.
  10. I am proud of the choices I make today.
  11. I take action today that helps make my future self have a great week.
  12. I nourish my body today with foods that make my mind body and soul feel good.
  13. I trust the unfolding of my day.
  14. I am not my thoughts, and I change my thoughts easily to create a Sunday I love.
  15. I did enough this week, and my best is good enough for next week.
  16. Showing up as myself is important and I do what is best for me today.
  17. I feel happy because I can think of many things to be grateful for today.
  18. I let go of what doesn’t serve me today and my upcoming week.
  19. Today I forgive myself for what I have been holding onto.
  20. Whether I am surrounded by loved ones or alone I can find gratitude and happiness in my situation.
  21. I feel healthy and move my body in a way that feels good today.
  22. I am abundant and good things are always flowing into my life.
  23. I am surrounded by peace, joy, and contentment.
  24. This moment is the only moment I have, and I focus on now instead of tomorrow.
  25. If I worry, I easily redirect my thoughts to my present moment, and at this moment I am okay.
  26. I find things to do today that fill up my cup.
  27. My self-care is important and Sunday is a great day for self-care.
  28. I am healthy, happy, and abundant.
  29. I enjoy my work and look forward to making a difference this week.
  30. This day feels relaxing and allows me to replenish for my week ahead.
  31. I deserve a great Sunday, and I make that happen for myself.
  32. I am worthy of rest.
  33. I am worthy of happiness.
  34. I am confident, bold, and aligned with my highest self.
  35. I am at peace with my day.
  36. I slow down today and appreciate the little things in my life.
  37. I let go of the need to do, and allow myself to just be today.
Sunday affirmation Today is a new day and I am grateful to experience it.
Sunday affirmations I let go of what doesn't serve me today and my upcoming week.

The best Sunday affirmation advice

  • Affirmations are not about changing your beliefs, they are about creating new ones. You are changing the old by creating something new. In a sense, you are offering your mind a new thought instead of the negative thoughts you might currently be having.
  • You are NOT trying to overwrite beliefs that already exist. You are offering your brain something new. A new imprint to follow instead of the old un-serving path.
  • Science shows the more emotionally charged an affirmation is the easier it is to change in your brain. Pick affirmations that have an emotional resonance within you.
  • Affirmations should allow you to experience all emotions and feelings. They should not contradict how you feel. Instead, work to find affirmations that offer you equanimity, and the grace to have a human experience where sometimes we feel relief and sadness at the same time. Or anger and love. All emotions are welcome, there is no need to try and cancel “negative” emotions.

What is the best way to practice affirmations?

  • writing them in a journal every day
  • typing them into a notes app
  • saying out loud in the shower (my second favorite way)
  • replacing one negative comment about yourself with one affirmation
  • repeating, mentally whispering, while you drift off to sleep
  • in yoga nidra

It honestly doesn’t matter how you do it. It only matters that you find a way that you can stick with and it does not feel like a pain to do. Cause if it feels like a pain, odds are good you won’t stick with it.

My best expert tip for practicing affirmations is to repeat your affirmations right before drifting off to sleep. When you are in a relaxed state right before falling asleep, your brain enters into a theta wavelength state. This is a state where the subconscious mind is very suggestible.

It is the state you find yourself in right between wakefulness and sleep and can also be accessed during meditation, hypnosis, and prayer.

You will make faster progress by using this time to practice the affirmations.

Positive mindset for your Sunday

Finally, I want to make an important note that it is ok to have bad days.

It will be 100% normal to feel on fire one day with how amazing you feel, and the next feel completely overwhelmed with the lack of progress. You are human and this will happen.

The best thing to do is not to become those feelings. You are not overwhelmed, you feel overwhelmed. And feelings are temporary. Practice naming the feeling, recognizing how you feel, and remembering feelings are transient.

I truly hope this post helps you find the right path. I know with every cell of my being that you are special and you have gifts to offer the world. You are meant to do big things, and that first comes with loving yourself first.

Please reach out or leave a comment below if you feel called to share how this post helped you.

Image for pinterest, woman drinking coffee and words overlayed that say 37 Sunday affirmations.

More affirmations for days of the week

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